Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(一)_English英语文化网

Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(一)

2024-04-30 发布

Samuel: And the German military is ready to use chaos1 in Croatia as justifications2 for actions that could plunge3 the entire civilized4 world into...

Colonel Ludlow: Samuel! The word "civilized" has no place in any discussions of the affairs of this world.

Alfred: Miss Finncannon, Mother has told us of your sympathy for the social reformers.

Susannah: You make it sound like a disease.

Alfred: No, no, no, on the contrary, I m in agreement.

Susannah: Your mother told me all about One Stab. She says that he was a great warrior5.

Alfred: Oh yes. He has a bag of scalps sitting away somewhere to prove it too, but don t worry, he s...haha... he s devoted6 to father now.

Samuel: Or rather, they re devoted to each other. 

Susannah: Can he speak English?

Alfred: Stab? Speak English? He wouldn t lower himself to speak English. Would you, Stab? But watch out. Because he understands it perfectly7 well.

Samuel: Hey, there s Tristan.

Samuel: Don t they feed you up there?

Tristan: Not much.

Samuel: You smell.

Tristan: Miss me, did you?

Samuel: Still hung over?

Tristan: Still drunk.

Samuel: Isn t she amazing?

Susannah: So this is Tristan. And does he speak English?

Alfred: Tristan, for God s sake.

Tristan: Miss Finncannon. It s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you and Ugly here find every happiness together.

Alfred: Don t mind my brother. Your dog has more breeding than he has.


1. plunge into

“卷入,陷入”的意思。Samuel的意思是说“整个文明世界都被卷入到战争中”。 Plunge 还可以指“全神贯注地投入到某件事情中”,例如:The kids plunged8 into the story. 孩子们整个被这个故事迷住了。

2. Has no place in

“‘文明 这个词根本不能用来形容这个世界。”在Colonel Ludlow看来,这个世界虚伪又残忍,根本谈不上“文明”。Has no place in 通常的意思是 inappropriate ,但语气要比它强许多。例如:Fast food has no place in hospitals. 快餐不应该卖到医院里。

Samuel: And the German military is ready to use chaos in Croatia as justifications for actions that could plunge the entire civilized world into...

Colonel Ludlow: Samuel! The word "civilized" has no place in any discussions of the affairs of this world.

Alfred: Miss Finncannon, Mother has told us of your sympathy for the social reformers.

Susannah: You make it sound like a disease.

Alfred: No, no, no, on the contrary, I m in agreement.

Susannah: Your mother told me all about One Stab. She says that he was a great warrior.

Alfred: Oh yes. He has a bag of scalps sitting away somewhere to prove it too, but don t worry, he s...haha... he s devoted to father now.

Samuel: Or rather, they re devoted to each other. 

Susannah: Can he speak English?

Alfred: Stab? Speak English? He wouldn t lower himself to speak English. Would you, Stab? But watch out. Because he understands it perfectly well.

Samuel: Hey, there s Tristan.

Samuel: Don t they feed you up there?

Tristan: Not much.

Samuel: You smell.

Tristan: Miss me, did you?

Samuel: Still hung over?

Tristan: Still drunk.

Samuel: Isn t she amazing?

Susannah: So this is Tristan. And does he speak English?

Alfred: Tristan, for God s sake.

Tristan: Miss Finncannon. It s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you and Ugly here find every happiness together.

Alfred: Don t mind my brother. Your dog has more breeding than he has.


1. plunge into

“卷入,陷入”的意思。Samuel的意思是说“整个文明世界都被卷入到战争中”。 Plunge 还可以指“全神贯注地投入到某件事情中”,例如:The kids plunged into the story. 孩子们整个被这个故事迷住了。

2. Has no place in

“‘文明 这个词根本不能用来形容这个世界。”在Colonel Ludlow看来,这个世界虚伪又残忍,根本谈不上“文明”。Has no place in 通常的意思是 inappropriate ,但语气要比它强许多。例如:Fast food has no place in hospitals. 快餐不应该卖到医院里。

TAG:英语 | 英语文化
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