

2024-04-19 发布

颁布日期:19950526  实施日期:19950526  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

  In order to reorganize arbitration1 institutions independent of administrative2 agencies in accordance with the Arbitration Law of the People s Republic of China , the General Office of the State Council issued the Circular on Making Good Arrangements for the Reorganization of Arbitration Institutions and The Establishment of the China Arbitration Association on November 13, 1994. Upon the issuance of the Circular the various localities, departments and organizations concerned have placed proper emphasis on the reorganization of arbitration institutions and have conducted much detailed3 and solid work. At the same time however, in view of the factual situation, it is still proving to be a tough task to implement4 the Arbitration Law and the requirements of the Circular. According to the provisions of the Arbitration Law, the existing arbitration institutions established by the departments of Industry and Commerce, Urban Construction and Science and Technology, of the State Council, the people s governments of the provinces, autonomous5 regions, or autonomous prefectures or of the people s governments at the county level will be terminated as of September 1, 1995, and those existing arbitration institutions subject to an administrative department and established in municipalities directly under the central government, cities where the people s government of the province or autonomous region is located or other districted cities will also be terminated as of September 1, 1996 at the latest. Therefore, reorganization of arbitration institutions in accordance with legal provisions is extremely urgent. In order to further improve the reorganization of arbitration institutions, assure the continuity of arbitration work, protect the lawful6 rights and interests of the parties and safeguard the economic order, with approval of leaders of the State Council, the following Circular on relevant items is hereby issued:

  1. The various people s governments of provinces or autonomous regions shall place heavy stress on and strengthen leadership for the reorganization of arbitration institutions within their areas, and determine a governmental leader to be in charge of the work. Close attention shall be paid to investigating local existing arbitration institutions, raising of a local working program to reorganize the arbitration institutions before September 1, 1996 and being responsible for coordination8, guidance and implementation9. The various provinces or autonomous regions shall, on the basis of the provisions of the Arbitration Law and the unified10 regulations to be promulgated11 soon by the State Council, make an effort to reorganize the arbitration institutions in cities where the people s governments of the provinces or autonomous regions are located and other districted cities listed in the plan as the first group to reorganize arbitration institutions before September 1, 1995. At the same time, attention shall be paid to the reorganization of arbitration institutions in other districted cities by stages and in batches. The Arbitration Law shall be propagated with great effort and the concerned personnel shall receive training. The detailed work shall be led by the Bureau of Legal Affairs under the people s governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and concerned cities, and shall have the participation12 of relevant departments and organizations, and shall cooperate under the leadership of the people s governments at the same level.

  2. The seven pilot cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Xi an, Huh hot and Shenzhen determined13 in Issue No. 99 by the General Office of the State Council shall, on the basis of the pilot work of previous periods, further improve plans to reorganize arbitration institutions, pay close attention to the implementation of preparatory work such as the organization of arbitration commissions, appointment of the arbitrators, establishment of the working bodies of the arbitration commissions and selection of its personnel, financial resources and working conditions, and assure the establishment of the arbitration commissions before September 1, 1995.

  3. The joint14 work in handling cases between the existing arbitration institutions and the new arbitration institutions shall be conducted seriously to assure the fair, speedy and efficient settlement of economic disputes, and the safeguarding of the economic order. The existing arbitration institutions shall, prior to their termination in accordance with legal provisions, continue accepting arbitration applications and rendering15 arbitral awards within 6 months after the termination of the said arbitration institution in accordance with legal provisions; the implementation of said arbitral awards will, with agreement of the Supreme16 People s Court, be notified separately by means of the Supreme People s Court.

  The various people s governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government are requested to transmit this Circular up to the people s governments at the county level.

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