Prison Break 1《越狱》1(九)_English英语文化网

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(九)

2024-05-10 发布

Cherry: Help me. Please.

T-bag: You ll have to forgive my boy. He has the, uh, propensity1 to be a bit gregarious2 when he shouldn t be. Fraternizing in the prison shower. Come on.

Michael: Maybe you ought to cut the kid a break.

T-bag: You wouldn t be meddling3 in my affairs now, would you, Scofield? You can t be that stupid. Not when I m so fully4 invested in your affairs.

Michael: What s between you and him... is between you and him.

T-bag: That s what I thought you said.

Cherry: You ve got to help me.

Sucre: Looks like I got to find something else to call you now.

Michael: Why is that?

Sucre: Cause you ain t a fish no more. You ain t the newest con5 in the tank. No...

Michael: I could ve done something.

Lincoln: No. T-Bag had his hooks in that kid. There was nothing you could ve done.

Michael: I could ve told the pope. He could ve transferred the kid to AdSeg. He would ve been safe.

Lincoln: Go easy, Michael. You didn t even know him.

Michael: That makes it okay? I turned my back on him because I didn t want to make waves. It was just... easier... to look the other way... keep the plan safe.

Lincoln: And you did.

Michael: But at what price?

Abruzzi: I give you permission to call to Philly? Hey, I asked you a question, man.

Gus: Listen, there, uh... there s been a restructuring. This comes from Philly himself. You couldn t deliver Fibonacci... so I m The Man in here now.

Abruzzi: Hey, jelly wad... run to the commissary, get me a bag of chips, we ll pretend this never happened, right?

Gus: Yeah, I m telling you, John. The sooner you face these facts, the better off we will all be.

Abruzzi: I could kill you in a heartbeat.

Gus: Somehow I doubt that. The sooner you face facts, the better off we will all be. You re yesterday s news, John.


1. Cut someone a break

Give someone a break 的另一种表达,意思是"Give someone a chance or special consideration",常常翻译成"饶了某人,放过某人,给某人一个机会",例如:She begged the professor for an extension on her term paper, saying "Please give me a break."

另外,give me a break还可以用来表示感叹,要求对方"stop trying to fool or upset or bother me",例如:Don t tell me the party s been postponed6 again--give me a break!

2. hooks

在俚语中,hooks有hands or fingers的意思,例如:Get your hooks off that cake!

3. Turn one s back on

"拒绝,忽略,背弃,抛弃"的意思,例如:I can t turn my back on my own daughter, no matter what she s done.

4. Make waves

"挑起事端,引发争端"的意思,例如:We ve finally settled our differences, so please don t make waves.

5. in a heartbeat
意为"without hesitation",例如:You d better think over what I said. I can kill you in a heartbeat.

6. Yesterday s news

"昨天的新闻"会是什么样的新闻?从时效性上来说,当然是已经过时的、无关紧要的了。Yesterday s news means "irrelevant",Gus 的意思是 Abruzzi从此和监狱工厂再没有关系了。

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