Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》二_English英语文化网

Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》二

2024-05-02 发布

Paul: Hello.

Katherine:It s me.

Paul: Hey!

Operator: Collect from Katherine Watson. Will you accept?

Paul: Yeah; sure; of course I will. Hey, is everything okay?

Katherine: Yeah.

Paul: Tough , huh? Well, how are the classes? Snobs1, right? I hate to say I told you so.

Katherine: You don t have to. I can t really talk right now. I ll write you tonight.

Nancy Abbey: So you got a fella?

Katherine: He s... He s there. I m here.

Nancy: Long distance. Torture. I know. Come. Come in and sit down. When Lenny left for the South Pacific, it nearly broke my heart. We wrote every day until... He was a great man.

Katherine: I m sorry. 

Nancy: It was a hundred years ago. I m babbling2.

Nancy: I love Lucy. Even if she is a communist.

Amanda Armstrong: The only thing red about Lucy is her hair. And even that s fake. Desi said it. Winchell wrote it. Amanda Armstrong. I see you survived.

Katherine: Katherine Watson. Just barely.

Nancy: Oh, good. You ve met. Katherine s taken the third bedroom. How about a little dinner before What s my line ?

Amanda: How about a little drink?

Nancy: Her companion died in May.

Katherine: Companion?

Nancy: You know, companion. Josephine Burns. Taught biology here for 30 years.

Nancy: You ll love it here, Katherine. You ll see.

Katherine: I already do. I... Honestly, it s beautiful. It s perfect; really.

Amanda: Well, don t fool yourself. They have claws underneath3 their white gloves.

Katherine: Who?

Amanda: The alumnae4; their offspring, the faculty5. You name it. Watch out for yourself. Too much independence frightens them.

Nancy: Will you please stop?

Amanda: Oh, a word of advice. Don t let those girls know that they got to you.

Katherine: They didn t.

Amanda: Good for you. You almost convinced me.


1. Collect 

这实际上是一个很简单的词,希望大家了解这个熟悉的词的比较容易被忽略的一个意思:由对方支付费用的。Collect 本来是一个副词,但是在口语里演变为名词用法,等于省略的a collect phone call。所以以后当大家自己在电话中听到了这个词的时候,要明白这是要你自己付钱的电话哦。

2. Tough 

She is a tough mother to her only son. 对于唯一的儿子来说,她是个严厉的母亲。
But she is also a tough customer while shopping. 但是购物的时候,她也是个难伺候的顾客。
The beef we are eating is tough. 我们吃的牛肉有点嚼不动。
Journalists raised a lot of tough questions in the press conference. 记者招待会上记者们提出了很多尖刻的问题。

3. I m babbling.


Babbling bothers one s ears. 多言聒耳
Don t be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort. 别听他们胡说八道,根本没那回事。

4. You name it.

1) Fancy chocolates, exotic flowers-you name it, we had it. 精制的巧克力,外国的鲜花。只要你能想到的,我们都享用了。
2) This is the biggest department store in the city-you name it, and they ve got it. 这是这座城市里最大的百货公司,你要什么这里就有什么。

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