

2024-04-29 发布
Section 4
Now, turn to Section 4 on page 7.
Section 4, you re going to hear part of a lecture given at a university. the lecturer is talking to a group of first your students; first, you ll have some time to look at 31 to 40 on pages 7 and 8. Now, listen carefully and answer question 25 to 30.
Lecturer: Can everybody hear me? Is the microphone working? Good, now, welcome everybody to the second of these lectures on successful study at college. Yesterday, we looked at housekeeping issues. Where to find information, how to use library computer system, and so on. Today, we re Time Management. And those of you who are interested in doing some extra reading on the subject are very welcome to see me after the lecture as I have a booklet here.
Now, Time Management. In the past, this used to main making list, so as to plan for every hour of the week and then try to stick to this plan. these days, however, the whole idea of managing time has changed. That s impossible to manage time. To manage time, you need to a clear idea both of what you want to achieve, how to achieve it. Also need to set goals; need to move towards achieving those goals in an effective and systematic2 way.
In our subject in this college, our school goes mid-semester and at the end of semester, usually involves two written assignments of between 1500 and 3000 words in length, if you work weeks of the term, everyone looks cheerful and focused, followed by week 6, assignment time, people start to look a lot stressed. the library reports the increasing number of students become angry when books are not available. So, what has happened? Has everybody become irritable3 and angry for no reason? Why? the reason is people have not, managed well, they have not set priorities4 for reaching their goals and, as a result, some of them would do badly in their assignment. This will not be because they lack intelligence or love of the subject. they will fail because they did not have a cleaner idea of what they have to do and how long it would take them. 
Let s step back a minute what does it mean establishing goals? Basically, it means deciding what you want to achieve. In other words, deciding on the results that you want to achieve, all the student. That I mentioned before who found themselves very stressed. If they have an assignment to do. But they did not fully1 think through the effect that this would have on their day-to-day life. there s an awful lot of spare time in a day. Just think for a moment of all the time that you have badly today. For example, if you had managed to spend some of it even just one hour on an activity that would have helped you with your study. That one-hour could have a major impact in you course. Particularly, if you make it a regular habit.
I m asking how to have a book at the planners in your information kits5. You will set that there are three: One term planner. One weekly planner. One pay planner. the term planner is to help you get an overview6 of everything that will need to do for the term. the weekly planner is to help you week by week, and the daily planner win help you with detailed7 planning.
Before we go any further, now I would like you to make a note in your daily planner. I want you to picture how you could make a major difference in your life by spending just one hour a day on some activity for the next term. Background reading, for example, or, preparing a bibliography8. Now, imagine end of the term the term diary and the weekly diary are the most important ones. However, a week is really the shortest time you can have to set an overview of your time. Now, you need to set priorities for the term. Look out, how you could achieve those priorities, and the result that you desire, if you can get into the habit of planning like this, you ll soon find that you ve actually had more time to spend on relaxation9 and other activities that you enjoy.
Now, let s share some of the ideas that you ve come up with; I ll divide you up into groups to share your ideas. Okay.
Narrator: That is the end of section 4.You will now have half a minute to check your answers. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the listening sheet.
31. 老师讲的是what is the lecture provide? 选:A. extra materials 
32. 以前制定时间计划指?选: B plan all the available time
34在的时间计划?选:work systematically10
35.学校在期末的要求? 选:B extensive writing
36.目的? 选:B get good results
期末压力大的原因是什么 one sight that student feel press is?  选:  A trouble in library
A .trouble in library  B.low attendence    C.anger with no reason    D. no reason
37.给所有学生?选: A practical materials for planning
38. suggest?选: plan an hour
39.focus on?选: B weeks and terms
40.选:B.plan all the available time  
A. make plan every day   B.plan all the available time    C.more leisure time

TAG:英语 | 雅思
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