

2024-05-16 发布

颁布日期:20020428  实施日期:20020428  颁布单位:全国人大常委会

  In accordance with the Decision of the Fifth Session of the Ninth National People s Congress on the Number of Deputies to the Tenth National People s Congress and the Election of the Deputies, “For the time being, 13 deputies representing Taiwan Province shall be elected from among people of Taiwan origin in the other provinces, the autonomous2 regions, and the municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Chinese People s Liberation Army.” The deputies will be elected in Beijing through consultation3 from among representatives sent by Taiwan compatriots in these provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and in the Chinese People s Liberation Army.

  There are more than 36,000 Taiwan compatriots in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the central Party, government and army institutions. It is decided4 that 122 representatives will participate in the conference for election through consultation. The number of representatives will be allocated5 on the basis of the geographic6 distribution of Taiwan compatriots on the mainland, including those in the army units stationed in the various places, and the standing committees of the people s congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for making arrangements for the election of the representatives through consultation. The election shall be completed by the end of December of 2002.

  The conference for consultative election will be convened7 in Beijing in January, 2003 and will last about one week.

  The consultative election of deputies of Taiwan Province to the Tenth National People s Congress should be conducted in a democratic manner. In deliberating on the candidates, consideration should be given to representation of people s in all fields of endeavor and proper attention should be paid to the election of candidates from among the youth and middle-aged8, women and minority nationalities.

  In line with the relevant stipulations of the Electoral Law of the National People s Congress and Local People s Congresses of People s Republic of China, the deputies shall be elected by secret ballot9 from among a larger number of candidates.

  The conference for consultative election will be called by Yang Guoqing and Liu Yiming, member of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress.


  Plan for the Allocation of the Number of Representatives Who Will Attend the Conference for the Consultative Election of Deputies of Taiwan Province to the Tenth National People s Congress

  Region or              Number of compatriots        Number of
  Institution              from Taiwan Province      representatives
                            to take part in the
                                               consultative conference
  Beijing Municipality               1500                      6
  Tianjin Municipality                891                      4
  Hebei Province                     720                      3
  Shanxi Province                    120                      1
  Inner Mongolia
  Autonomous Region                  181                      1
  Liaoning Province                   1480                     6
  Jilin Province                      238                      2
  Heilongjiang Province               364                      2
  Shanghai Municipality               1552                     6
  Jiangsu Province                    1446                     6
  Zhejiang Province                   1839                     6
  Anhui Province                      691                      3
  Fujian Province                     13114                    15
  Jiangxi Province                    1489                     6
  Shandong Province                   368                      2
  Henan Province                      580                      3
  Hubei Province                      480                      2
  Hunan Province                      597                      3
  Guangdong Province                  3010                     9
  Guangxi Zhuang
  Autonomous Region                   332                     2
  Hainan Province                     2224                    9
  Chongqing Municipality              350                     2
  Sichuan Province                    473                      2
  Guizhou Province                    175                      1
  Yunnan Province                     412                      2
  Tibet Autonomous Region             0                        0
  Shaanxi Province                    309                      2
  Gansu Province                      131                     1
  Qinghai Province                    61                      1
  Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region       38                      1
  Xinjiang Uygur
  Autonomous Region                   168                     1
  Institutions under the
  Central Committee of the
  Communist Party of China                                    4
  Central Government Institutions                             6
  General departments of the
  People s Liberation Army                                    2
  Total                               36333                 122

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