Garfield 2《加菲猫》2(二)_English英语文化网

Garfield 2《加菲猫》2(二)

2024-05-19 发布

Rabbit: Keep still. They re reading Lady Eleanor s will.

Goose: I ve got a bad feeling about this.

Ducks: I can t watch. If Lord Dargis gets the estate, we re done for. We re doomed1!

Rabbit: Shh! Quiet.

Lawyer: To my devoted2 Smithee, I make thee caretaker of my estate. Care for my beloved animal friends as you have in the past and you will always have a home at Carlyle Castle.

Smithee: Thank you, Madame.

Dargis: She s dead, Smithee. You can stop sucking up.

Lawyer: The rest of my worldly possessions, my castle and surrounding grounds, I leave to the love of my life, somebody who was like a son to me...

Dargis: Thank you, Aunt Eleanor. Oh, thank you.

Lawyer: Please let me finish, Mr. Dargis.

Dargis: I m sorry. I always get a little ahead of myself.

Lawyer: Like a son to me, I leave all my worldly possessions to my beloved kitty, Prince the 12th.

Man: That s incredible.

Woman: Oh, my word.

Man: Entirely3 without precedent4.

Lawyer: This is what it says.

Dargis: But I m her nephew, her only heir. She can t have left it all to a cat.

Prince: I, Prince, the new lord of the castle? Good show, Lady Eleanor. Oh, bless her heart.

Winston: Can it be? We are delivered.

Prince: Thank you, Winston.

Lawyer: The will clearly states that you may stay on at Carlyle Castle and receive your usual stipend5 of, uh...50 pounds a week.

Dargis: Fifty pounds?!

Woman: Upon Prince s passing, after what we assume will be a long and happy life, you will receive the castle, the land and your title.

Dargis: But that fat ball of fur could last for another 15 years!

Man: Let us hope so.

Guide: The castle was built over 600 years ago by Lord Franklin Carlyle. Now, the initial structure is late medieval in style...

Man: In the west wing, we ll put the pool and spa.

Dargis: Yes, and where would the squash courts be?

Tourist1: Oh, there he is!

Tourist2: That s unbelievable.

Tourist3: Oh, hello.

Dargis: Snap your photos. Unfortunately, I can but spare a few moments...

Tourist1: Hey, buddy6, do you mind stepping aside? I can t get a good shot of the cat.

Prince: Greetings, all. Hello. So glad. So very, very glad.

Dargis: May I remind you this is private property?

Tourist4: Oh, relax, bro, it s not like you own the place.

Dargis: We shall see.


1. Done for

意思是“Doomed to death or destruction 死定了,完蛋了”,例如 Before he went to the hospital it seemed as if he was done for.

2. Suck up

“拍马屁,献媚”,例如:Now that he s the boss they re all sucking up to him, hoping to get big raises. 这种行为可真是够讨厌的。
Suck-up连写则表示“拍马屁/献媚的人”,例如:He s such a suck-up.

3. Get ahead of oneself

"To get ahead of oneself" is to plan or do something which is not yet appropriate. Other things usually need to happen first. 例如比赛还没有结束,球迷们就开始庆祝胜利,这就是get ahead of themselves。我们来看一个例子:

- After I win the first prize in the essay contest, I m going to rent a new apartment, buy a new car, start dating Cozette, and tell the boss to shove it where…

- Sounds like you re getting a little ahead of yourself.

- Well, a guy can dream, can t he?

4. My word

和My dear,My God,Jesus 之类的词一样,my word 或者or upon my word 都是用来表示感叹或是惊讶的。例如:Oh, my word! You ve changed so much!

5. Good show

和 nice doing,well done 类似,good show也是用来表示对某些行为/事情的赞许的,例如:He tried hard, so we yelled "Good show!"

6. We shall see.

TAG:英语 | 英语文化
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