Prison Break 1《越狱》1(四)_English英语文化网

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(四)

2024-05-19 发布

Michael: Haywire. You ever thought of breaking out?

Haywire: What the hell would I do out there?

Michael: Not be here.

Haywire: Halfway1 houses, psych visits, meds, checking in with a P.O., urine tests, keeping a job... No. Why you ask?

Michael: This guy was talking about it in the yard yesterday. I didn t know what to say.

Haywire: Tell officer Bellick. He ll make life easy for you, if, uh...

Michael: If what?

Haywire: Your tattoos2.

Michael: What about them?

Haywire: What are they of? No no no... What are they? Like, some kind of a...

Michael: They re just tattoos.

C.O.: It s candy time, Haywire.

Haywire: They think I have schizo-affective disorder3 with bipolar tendencies.

C.O.: Think you got it?

Haywire: Whatever. Ah! I take the pills, keep the quacks4 off my back. Bye, now. Get out of the way.

Michael: You know, maybe they give you those things for a reason.

Haywire: Yeah. To keep me dull. To keep me in their invisible freakin handcuffs. Seriously, though, those tattoos, they re beautiful. You mind if I, you know, look at the whole thing?

Michael: I do, actually.

Haywire: Why?

C.O.: Yo! Stand clear!

Michael: Does there need to be a reason?

Michael: Sucre!

Sucre: I ain t even talking to you, man.

Abruzzi: What s the problem?

Michael: Nothing I can t handle.

Abruzzi: Well, I knew there was a problem. I could tell by looking at you from across the yard. Hey, guys, didn t I say there was a problem? So what s the problem?

Michael: You re looking at it.

Abruzzi: What? Haywire?

Michael: Yep. That s my new cellmate. That s a problem. He doesn t sleep.

Abruzzi: So, when do you dig?

Michael: I don t.

Abruzzi: Hey, you and I are in bed now. You made me promise. You said that we were going to get out of here. You renege now, and I m going to gut5 you. So, you better take care of your business, or I will take care of you. Have a nice day.


1. P.O.
这里的P.O. 是parole officer 的缩写,指的是专门管理假释犯的警察。

2. off one s back

这是一个片语,意思是No longer harassing6 or bothering someone,也写作off someone s case,常与get 连用,例如:I told her to get off my back--I ll mow7 the lawn tomorrow. 我告诉他别再烦我了,我明天会修草坪的。

Off one s back / case的反义形式是on one s back / case,例如:He s been on my back about that report all morning. 整个早晨他都为了那份报告在烦我。

在这个片断中,I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back. 的意思是:我吃药是为了让他们别再冲我乱叫。

3. Stand clear


4. be in bed

这里的be in bed 意思是have a deal,Abruzzi 和 Michael 有个交易:Michael 为了能见到哥哥,到Abruzzi掌管的监狱工厂干活,Abruzzi准许Michael 来干活,条件是要Michael 说出使他入狱的人的下落和把他带出监狱。

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