Prison Break 1《越狱》1(一)_English英语文化网

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(一)

2024-05-19 发布

Sid: That s it. Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?

Michael: You re an artist, Sid.

Sid: You re telling me you re just gonna walk out of here and I m never going to see it again.

Michael: There s a good chance of that, yes.

Sid: Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small. "Mom", girlfriend s initials, something like that. Not you. You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months. Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.

Mike: I don t have a few years. Wish to hell I did.

Michael: The vault1. Open it.

Woman: We can t. The branch manager s not here.

Michael: Where is he?

Woman: It s lunchtime. He s at White Castle. 

Michael: White Castle?

Woman: It s a fast food restaurant. They serve those little square burgers.

Michael: I know what it is. I m not playing games . Open it.

Woman: Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. Don t you think it would be better...?

Police: This is the police. You are completely surrounded. Put down your weapon. Put down your weapon now.

Judge: Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield?

Michael: I m sure, Your Honor.

Veronica: Your Honor, we d like to recess2 if we could. My client s a bit confused at the moment.

Michael: I m not, Your Honor.

Veronica: He is, Your Honor.

Judge: Perhaps you should heed3 your representation s advice, take some additional time to consider your response.

Michael: I ve already done that, Your Honor.

Judge: I ll retire to my chambers4 to determine sentencing. Court s recessed5 until 1:30.

Policeman: Let s go.

LJ: Uncle Mike?

Michael: I didn t want you to come. Go home, LJ. I didn t want you to see this. He s not gonna take this well.

Veronica: Can you blame him? He s your nephew. He s beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up in prison. And he s not the only one who s starting to feel that way, Michael. Will you give us a minute?

Policeman: One minute.

Veronica: Don t you understand? You just put the book in that woman s hand and she s gonna lob it at you like a grenade. Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.

Michael: I know.

Veronica: Then will you please tell me what s going through your head?

Michael: We ve been over this.

Veronica: I ve known you my entire life. You don t have a violent bone in your body , and I know you didn t need the money.

Michael: Veronica.

Veronica: Why won t you let me help you?


1. a good chance
“很可能”,例如:There s a good chance he will fail. 他很可能会失败。

2. a full set of sleeves

Have tattoos6 all the way around the arm from the shoulders to the wrist, like a shirtsleeve.

3. ink

4. play games

意思是“to act in an evasive, deceitful, manipulative, or trifling7 manner in dealing8 with others”,例如:Don t play games with me-I want to know if you love me or not! 别和我绕弯子了-我想知道你爱不爱我!片段中的这句话I m not playing games. 意思是“我不是闹着玩的”。

5. Someone doesn t have a ___ bone in his body.

这是一个习惯说法,意思是“某人并没有某种特征”,例如:Andy doesn t have a lazy bone in his body. 意思就是Andy一点都不懒。注意:这个习惯用法只有否定形式,绝不可以用someone has a ___ bone in his body 来表示“某人有某种特征”。

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