Desperate Housewives 1《绝望主妇》1(十二)_English英语文化网

Desperate Housewives 1《绝望主妇》1(十二)

2024-05-19 发布

Mary Alice: Martha Huber waited her whole life for something to happen to her, something exciting. As a child, she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates1. As a teenager, she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout2. As a young woman, she fantasized that a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet . But the years had flown by, and still, nothing exciting had ever happened to Martha Huber. Until the night she was murdered.

Paul: Hello, Mrs. Huber.

Martha: Paul!

Paul: Let me give you a hand.

Martha: That s really not necessary. 

Paul: I insist.

Mary Alice: In those last moments, it occurred to her, in addition to being boring, life could also be very cruel. Luckily for Mrs. Huber, death was far more merciful.

Officer Jackson: What do you think?

Police chief: That s our missing3 woman, all right.

Police Chief: Aw, geez, it didn t take the media long to get wind of this. Make sure no one contaminates4 my crime scene.

Officer Jackson: Hey, little lady. A lot of people are looking for you, you know that? Your face is gonna be on the front page of every paper in this state. How s that for exciting?

Mary Alice: Officer Jackson couldn t be sure, but for a brief moment, he thought he saw the corpse5 of Martha Huber, smile.

Mary Alice: Word of the tragedy would soon spread throughout the neighborhood. But for now, people went about their lives as they always did, blissfully unaware6.

Susan: Hello, anybody home?

Mike s voice: In the kitchen.

Susan: Good news. I finished my book, so I thought to celebrate, you could take me out to lunch.

Edie: Hey, Susan.

Mike: Uh, could we do a rain check? Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house.

Edie: My insurance company is finally cutting my check next week, and there s only one plumber7 I want. So don t expect to see this guy for a few months. I m gonna be riding him hard.

Susan: Well, if anyone can go the distance , he can. I should know.

Edie: Uh, Mike? Mike? We re on the clock . Hey Felicia, what s up?

Mike: Edie?

Edie: They found Martha.


1. talent scout

本意是“发觉天才的人”,这里意为“的星探”,例如:I wish that someday a Hollywood scout would discover me.

2. Sweep somebody off his/her feet

意思是“Overwhelm someone emotionally”,例如:With his little gifts and gallant8 behavior, he swept her off her feet. 同样意思的表达还有:carry / knock off someone s feet.

3. Geez

Jesus 的缩略形式,用来表示“惊讶,高兴,不满或者脑怒”。

4. Get wind of

“得到……的风声”,和汉语非常相似。例如:I don t want my boss to get wind of the fact that I m leaving so I m not telling many people.

5. Cut one s check

这里的意思是sign one s check,Edie是说保险公司终于要赔偿她的损失了。

6. Go the distance

这个片语起源于拳击比赛,本意是“打完所有计划的每一轮比赛”,这里的意思是“to work long and hard and do well”,例如:He said he s willing to go the distance with this project.

7. On the clock

意思是“工作时间”。 Edie 对 Mike 和Susan 的卿卿我我非常受不了,故而提醒Mike:现在是工作时间,我付了你钱的。例如:Stop playing that silly game, we re on the clock.

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